Labels:audio cd | door | house | person | road | sky OCR: Washinaton Times WASHINGTON D.C., JANUARY 992-JUNF 1995 Access the latest CD-ROM for Macintosh and ndows By Wayzata Technology Washii ton Times and Insight CD- Gain access to the latest in WS with provid, you with the power of daily Washington Times and Insight 295 Editu spaper, nbined with a weekly magazine UPDATE Featuring the latest news With The shington Times you obtain happeni ings, such as the earthquak Japan, national plus the inside track on political the Okl lahoma City bombing the O.J nson happe: Insight on the News is a weekly trial, the situation in Chechnya, and mucu magazine with indepth coverage and more! The 1995 Edition UPDATE covers analysis of current events January 1992 through June 1995 January Gingrich wants S to rethink District' Toll-Free Technical Support! Future ...